In the beginning of the week we met with Dr. Okongo (Medical Superintendent from Nakaseke Hospital) and his team to discuss the last details for our collaboration regarding treatment of the HPV positive women. We are very grateful for the great support received by them.
On Tuesday we started with our 3-day training. James was very kind to open the training and give us an insight in the great work ACCESS has provided over the last 20 years. All of our 10 CHWs were very excited to learn more about the screening and becoming advocates for Cervial Cancer.
On Wednesday Eva Nangalo -a national-certified trainer for Cervical Cancer Screening- and Sister Rosemary gave us insight into the screening and treatment at Nakaseke Hospital. She brought the device (thermocoagulator) used for therapy and even demonstrated it on a piece of meat. This was by far the highlight of the training. It was very helpful to have her on the training to also share some insights into the community work and the obstacles the CHWs might be facing. All CHWs did great in their exit test on Wednesday and received a certificate for CxCa screening.