Working in a rural area
Uganda is a landlocked country located in East Africa with a population of around 44 million. About 84% of residents live in rural areas. NCDs still account for over 30% total deaths in Uganda.
Health facilities in rural areas of LMICs typically face low staff-to-patient ratio and a high level of workload for health professionals. The access to essential medicines and equipment tends to be lower in rural settings than in urban areas. As medical expertise and infrastructure is essential in rural areas, Balamu aims at improving the healthcare infrastructure and provision in the rural district of Nakaseke.
Our NCD clinics
We have established three successful NCD clinics in Nakaseke district. These clinics are essentiell institutions for providing the best NCD education and care to our patients in rural Uganda.
Nakaseke Hospital NCD Clinic
This NCD clinic is located in the general outpatient department (OPD) of Nakaseke General Hospital. It was launched in 2017 to provide comprehensive NCD screening, care and management of patents attending Nakaseke OPD. The clinic is run by a medical doctor and three nurses every Friday of the week.
Life Care Center NCD Clinic
The NCD clinic at Life Care Center is located at ACCESS campus in Nakaseke district. It was launched in 2018 following the NCD community program. It provides similar service as Nakaseke NCD clinic. The clinic runs every Tuesday and works closely with the CHW community program.
Semuto NCD Clinic
The Semuto NCD Clinic is located in Semuto, a sub county in Nakaseke district. It was launched in 2017. It provides similar services as Nakaseke NCD clinic. This clinic runs every Wednesday.